Vivienne van de Walle studied medicine at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and did part of her medical training at the University of Oxford in the UK. During her medical training she enjoyed the combination of patient care and clinical research. She received an additional medical science degree for her research when she graduated. In 2004 she successfully defended her thesis for her PhD. In 2011, she passed the CPI exam. She has always combined clinical research with patient care and has been a full time investigator since 1999 at independent clinical research sites. She is a registered physician in both The Netherlands and Belgium and is an active member of various professional associations in which she acts in various boards. She has a special interest in implementing etools in the medical field in general and clinical research specifically.
Her experience is reflected by her skills in consulting, education, management, leadership and executive functions. She keeps developing procedures in various directions by means of streamlining workprocesses, integrated care, improving quality systems, translating and implementing protocols to the workplace in the medical field in general and clinical research specifically.
With her PT&R-team she was also the proud winner of the inaugural SPRIA EU award of the SCRS . In 2019 she was nominated for the Clinical Trial Europe – Christine Pierre Life Time Achievement Award and in 2020 she was nominated at the 5th World Congress on Advanced Clinical Trials and Clinical Research for Women in Science Awards / Women Scientist. She started her research career as a participant in a clinical trial. As a result, Viviënne has a unique perspective of the various sides of the table in clinical research and is eager to share her many years of experience. As she states: “I love it when you pick my brain”.